Andalas International Conference on Humanities (AICONHUM)

10-11 August 2022, Padang,
West Sumatra, Indonesia

About the conference

Andalas International Conference on Humanities (AICONHUM) is an annual meeting organized by Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Andalas. This scientific event brings together researchers, practitioners, and activists in the related fields.

Current Theme

Enacting the studies of language, literature, history and culture in the digital era

The continuing advancement in the field of informational technology has led us to a digital era where aspects of human activities are significantly digitized, including scientific matters. Disciplines in the humanities are no exception. Through this conference, we would like to know how Humanities has embraced the seemingly inevitable influence of the digital presence.

We welcome papers that fall within, but are not restricted to, the following subthemes:

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Harry Aveling

Monash University, Australia

Dr. Hilmar Farid

Dirjen Kebudayaan Kemendikbud RI, Indonesia

Invited Speakers

Mahmood Kooria, Ph.D. (Leiden University, Netherland)
Akiko Tashiro, Ph.D. (Hokkaido University, Japan)
Dr. Norhayati Ab. Rahman (Malaya University, Malaysia)
Dr. Ike Revita, M.Hum. (Universitas Andalas, Indonesia)

Important Dates

Conference Fee

Contact Person

Email :

Phone :
Rizky (+62 82384444495)
Akun (+62 82162552260)
Edria (+62 8126781807)